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Tragedy in our Nation

I can't help but think about how after being swept into a crazy pandemic, our barely recovering nation is faced with another tragedy. In the last couple of days, there are all sorts of riots going on in order to seek justice and recognition for the unfairly deaths of African Americans in our communities. Many people see the news and it continues to add onto their already anxious, angry, sad, and fearful thoughts. I don't believe that no one is unaffected by this in some sort of way. Everyone has a thought, opinion, or feeling about what's going on even if they can't put it into words. With all the chaos happening there is an absolute continuous need to cry out to God.

I'm praying for our nation, our family, and our friends. With all the emotions being stirred in me and those around me, I am reminded that this is not our permanent home. The things of this world such as hate, fear, and suffering belong to the enemy. I’m thankful that an eternity in Heaven is to be with our Holy Father. He is everything we desire and need when we seek for peace, comfort, and understanding.

During this time, continue to pray. Believe that our prayers are moving mountains bigger than we can physically see. Although chaos may continue and change may not come in the way or speed that we want it to, God is making a way for something greater than we can understand at the moment. It’s always in the moments of confusion and hurt that He is setting everything up for His glory.

We may ask, how can God be glorified by all this chaos? God is revealing how the nature of our sin and the desire to do what we want instead of following His desires for us can lead to tragedy. God is revealing how much we desperately need Him. He is revealing how He is our ultimate savior from the hands of the enemy. He is revealing Himself more than anything right now.

Some of us may not know how to feel or react to what is happening, but I know there is much compassion and love as we hurt with, relate with, and speak up for one another. In the midst of everything, I want to encourage you to continue to trust in the goodness of God. If it’s hard to believe in anything else, hold on to His character. He is a God of justice, hope, faithfulness, mercy, grace, compassion, and love. As we continue to give everything up to God we will surly see His hand everything.

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