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Day 23 - Back in the classroom!

Hey guys, today marks my first week of going back to work! I am currently a Pre-K teacher at a childcare center. I have always had a passion for education and I hope to one day be a teacher with my own class, but in the last three years I've played some different roles in the lives of children. All of those roles have definitely stretched me professionally and personally in so many ways though.

My current age group consists of 3 and 4 year olds and it has been one of the most challenging classes for me thus far. I haven't had much experience with them in the past, but I have been blown away by these little humans. This age group has been so fun to work with because they are so curious and entertaining, but they can also be a handful at the same time.

On many occasions, I've gone home frustrated and defeated, but I love it too because every morning the kids would say, "Miss Emily's here," while running to give me a hug like nothing happened the day before. When you're in a classroom filled with students who have different personalities, needs, and coping mechanisms (or lack of) the day can easily be overshadowed by the negative things that happen, but honestly, there are many good and amazing things being done in both the students and me as well. Sadly, not all of the kids are back yet, which is understandable, but I do miss them. Praying everyone is healthy and staying safe. 

Right now I'm also in a different classroom which isn't convenient, but I'm managing. I hope that I can go back to my old one soon.

Old Classroom

Temporary Classroom

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