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Spring Break

A couple days after Valentines Day, Chu surprised me by booking flights to NEW YORK! We spent our whole spring break there and it was such a blast! I've been wanting to take Chu there to show him where I went to school, to experience the city life, and to eat the yummy food. NY is officially crossed off of our bucket list, but I don't think it'll be the last time that we'll be there.

Pictures from our trip , but also check out the vlog that's coming out soon!

At the airport, 5 a.m. in the morning! I told Chu that it felt so thrilling because it was our first time traveling together. Now that we're married, it feels so good to have all the freedom to go anywhere with each other for however long we want!

All smiles after we smoothly picked up the rental car! It was definitely an adulting moment because we got our first credit card to pay for this. It was sooo worth it though! Now, we're just waiting for those bills to come, ha.

Game night at Mx and Chuchi's place! Missed these ladies and their cooking!

I RARELY play Avalon, but my crew won! The bad guys had a 90% chance of winning, but somehow we actually did it.

Chelsea Market Skyline

Brooklyn Bridge

How could I not? I love how there are food stands everywhere in NY.

World Trade Center Memorial

OH MY GOODNESS!!! ZiZi is theeee cutest, but so sad that he doesn't like me, ha!

Central Park

Spicy Lamb Noodle Bowl

Capital Columns at the National Aboretum

Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

King Spa, this was the most relaxing day ever! I always wanted to take my future husband to this!

NYC skyline

Pretty much sums up what she brings into my life, laughter and joy.

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