to not demand to be right
to be at peace with not winning an argument
to be okay to not be first at everything
to be willing to listen to criticism
to be able to hold our tongue, choose our words, choose our timing
Here's the thing about meekness: It's a display of where your treasure is and who you worship.
If your treasure--the thing of highest worth--is yourself, you must guard it with all your might. You won't let anyone speak down to you, you'll demand only the est, and you'll be intolerant of others not meeting your standards or expectations. You will speak your mind whatever the cost because your treasure is you.
But it Christ and His holiness is your treasure, if you are humbled by how great He is---how amazing is His grace to save you---no one can steal your worth. The same grace that bent to redeem us makes it possible for us to bend in meekness to others.
We can afford to be meek because when we are in Christ, His unending grace is our full supply."
-- Ruth Chou Simons, Gracelaced
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