The siblings decided to surprise our parents with a visit and it felt like the longest secret ever, but it was worth it because our parents had the best reactions! I'm glad we were able to have everyone here because a lot of the times it does feel lonely being far from each other. Our time together felt so short, but every moment was very valuable. Here are some snippets of our time together.
Cloudland Canyon State Park.
Ruby Falls! It was such a beautiful discovery and the guy who discovered it named it after his wife. I'm a sucker for sweet cheesy things, ha.
Shopping together is always so much better!
Birthday dinner at Nori Nori. This has become O U R place. We always go eat there when any of our siblings are in town, but I love it.
Gotta get in as much selfies as we can!
The Yang Nyabs.
Fishing in the early morning. We ran out of live bate and barely got any action, but we got to see one "dinosaur". Next time, for sure.
Yang Movie Night!!! Y'all, this set up was sooo cute!
Celebrating all our birthdays together because we don't get to celebrate them together.
My FIL is seriously too cute! All of the brothers have his talkative and funny personality.
Spoiled by Tia! So thankful for these thoughtful gifts. I was most excited about the hand sanitizer! It smells like strawberries and lemons. Sooo obsessed!
These brothers are better together. They were so loud and joking around the whole time, especially Chu. Tia, Mercy, and I agreed that they were all extra happy with each other, ha.
Seriously, wished we had more time together. I keep thinking about how lucky I am because my sisters are so thoughtful, kind, and generous. They're each so talented that I it’s hard not to get jealous lol, but I also know that I have lots to learn from them. Blessed to be family.
Last day, but we're already planning for the next time we'll see each other lol
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