Have you ever thought about what “Joy to the world” meant? Jesus’ birth was the greatest joy given to us as a sign from God that we would one day be reconciled from our sin and be able to have a relationship with Him. Let us take it a step further because joy did not stop at Jesus’ birth. In fact, the rest of Jesus’ life became a message of joy, the Gospel. Therefore, whoever hears the Gospel should receive the news of great joy for there is hope of being saved from our sins.
Before Jesus even came into this sinful world, He was already destined to die. It sounds horrible and devastating that He would one day be sacrificed for us, but this shows how joy parallels with pain. Even though it was going to be painful, there was still joy through it all because Jesus was obedient and in the end, God was glorified and we were saved. From beginning to the end, from birth to death, and even after the resurrection, Jesus was and still is the joy given to us from God.
During Christmas we should rejoice knowing that the Lord loved and desired a relationship with us so much that He sent His only son to die for us.
May you all receive this joy and rejoice. Blessings.
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