A quote says “Better to have loved than not at all” and I would joke with my friends and say, “I disagree, I’d rather not have loved at all”. Now that was my regret speaking for me. At first, I thought it was just a funny joke, but then I realized that something deep down inside of me really meant it. If I knew how much pain I was going to be in after a break up, I would have chosen to not have loved to begin with. My regret was preventing me from being thankful for the work of God in my life. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” I realized that it was also holding me back from seeing what God wanted to teach me through this situation.
Because I met this person and experienced my first break up, I learned that I had many things to be thankful for. I was able to experience and know God on a whole new level. I was able to see God mold me through the pain and hurt while revealing His glory to me. He drew me near to His heart and in the process I saw His astounding goodness, faithfulness, and steadfast love for me. God also reminded me that my happiness and joy did not come from being in a relationship with someone. A friend recently asked if I regretted dating. If she had asked me a couple weeks ago my answer would have been yes. Now, my answer is no, I do not regret meeting or dating this person.
Heartbreaks are painful and I believe during the healing process there is regret because the glory of God is not yet seen in our suffering. Trust me, He will reveal Himself more and more. Once we see the glory of God in our pain and realize how much greater His will is, we will no longer regret anything that has happened in our lives. It is great because our God does nothing in vain and there is a purpose for everything we experience, both good and bad. When we are able to ask ourselves what we have learned from everything, then we are already walking towards a thankful and wiser heart. I am rejoicing because I can honestly say that I am no longer in a season of regret, but a season of thanks.
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