I believe that sometimes our choices and actions are not so wise or discerning because we are so impatient. We act on our own accord and then end up hurting ourselves and others. Being patient is hard and it effects our ability to discern wisely because we think we know what’s best for us. A lot of the times, good things come to those who wait, but I understand, waiting is hard. I have been reflecting on myself and noticed a lack of trust in my Lord because things are not going the way I want or at least not at the speed that I want them to. It’s scary, but the enemy enjoys it when we have a lack of trust in our God. The enemy will use it to tell us lies and plant fears in our heads. He will then tell us the only way things will work out is if we take matters into our own hands. Don’t listen to that! It becomes dangerous when we think we need to take matters into our own hands in order to fulfill our desires.
A truth that we need to be constantly reminded of is, God IS and should ALWAYS be in control. We must remember that God’s will and His timing is always PERFECT! Being patient and waiting on God’s perfect timing can be difficult, but I believe it will be worth it. When our trust is in the Lord, it will prevent us from doing things that could potentially harm ourselves and others.
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