In the words of Taylor Swift, “I’m feeling 22!”
When I think about it, 22 years came by so fast. I still feel like I am 18, but when I see myself in pictures I am not the 18 year old girl who was fresh out of high school anymore. There were so many life lessons that were learned and so many things I discovered about myself, I’m excited to know that there are still many more things to experience and discover. God willing, I look forward to what is to come.
Honestly, I also imagined my 22 year old self to be different. I thought I would be done with college, dating, a lot more confident, and possibly even overseas. I certainly feel so far from what I imagined and planned for myself, but there is a peace that I am exactly where God wants me. Even though I am not up to speed with the timeline of this world, I know that God’s timeline is so much better. I trust that there are great things waiting for me.
The top three things I am grateful for as I turn 22:
1. My family who showers me with unconditional love.
2. God’s persistent and consistent pursuit of my heart.
3. The simple fact that I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Next year, when i turn 23, I wonder how I am going to be or what I am going to be doing, but until then, I want to embrace 22. My birthday is also a reality check that I can’t be 21 forever ;) It’s time to keep moving on with my life.
~Thank you God for 22 years of life!
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