The one thing I always want to do every summer is to go camping and I got to do that this past weekend! There were so many memories that were made on this trip and I truly appreciate every single person who was on it. I was also able to learn a lot and experience a couple things for the first time.
This is the amazing group that I went camping with. The guys are so knowledgeable about the outdoors and if a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion ever occurred then I know I would be safe in their hands. Our ladies are also really smart and tough as well. Overall, it was great getting to know everyone better and being able to see different sides of people.
These are the people that I got to ride with! Good music and good talks.
Setting up our tent. It was so funny because when Julie pulled out the directions, the papers were so old that it looked like a treasure map. That gave us a good laugh. Our tent was pretty old and the hardest one to set up, but we still got it up!
As I said, I experienced some things for the first time and one of those things was catching a fish! This was the first fish I ever caught and I’m super excited and proud of it. Before I caught this fish I lost a hook, two other fishes, and while trying to help me, Chu’s sandal started to flow downstream. Luckily, Eric was able to grab it! When I brought the fish over to Yengers and Chu, it fell off of the hook and I kept insisting that they put it back on the hook before I took a picture. They wouldn’t, so I ended up holding it and it kept squirming in my hands. I was holding the fish so tight because I didn’t want it to keep wiggling around (sorry fishy).
While on the trip, I also got to practice shooting guns. It wasn’t my first time, but I still learned a lot of new things. The shotgun was heavier than I remembered it to be, but it was still fun to shoot. I didn’t hit any of the clay disks, but it’s okay because they said that my follow through was getting better. We also got to try Hluby and Danny’s handguns and they were scarier and harder to shoot because they were smaller and lighter. It felt like the gun was going to fly out of my hands and afterwards you don’t even really see where you shot at. Shooting was definitely an experience, but they are dangerous and people really do need to be educated about them. I really appreciate the mini gun lesson that the guys gave us.
One of my favorite parts about the trip was when we stayed up playing mind games around the campfire. Most of the girls either knew the game or caught on pretty fast, but the guys had a little more trouble catching onto the games. It was definitely a hilarious and memorable moment. Whenever I see the guys, I’m tempted to ask, “I’m thinking of a color, what is it?”
Something else that I experienced for the first time was using nature as a bathroom. I don’t have any pictures of that, but it was definitely a funny experience. It wasn’t too crazy, but I just remember laughing every time us girls went to the bathroom. The night trips were the most hilarious, Esther simply cracks me up.
On the way back we had some car issues because Danny’s breaks just completely died. We were stuck on the side of the road for a bit, but some of us ended up heading back first. In the end, everyone got home safely and the weekend camping trip came to an end.
I’ll end the post with this picture because it was something that we were all looking forward to on our way back. The story behind this sign of a flying deer is quite humorous.
Hlub 2016 holds a special place in my heart for various reasons. The last time I was able to attend Hlub was in 2009 as an attendee. Of course, I was not an attendee this year, but I was blessed to go as a staff member. As a volunteer and staff member I feel like the conference goes by so much faster now. I got into Chicago on Saturday and in a blink of an eye it was already the end of the conference. I wanted time to slow down so that I could take part in what Hlub had to offer, but the busy work in the office and the random jobs I did kept me busy. Either way, it was a blessing to serve with the staff and volunteers to make the conference go as smooth as possible for the attendees. I was not able to take as many pictures as I wanted, but I am going to enjoy the ones that I did get to take!
Early morning flights with Yengers!
The first thing that I got to do once I landed was go to Lake Michigan with my mom’s side of the family! It was so spontaneous, but worth it!
Eating late at night and staying up to work. The struggle was real.
West Coast VS East Coast! West was down by 3 points and there were only 3 minutes left, but the boys on our team clutched it and scored 3 points! We tied!!! I’m still so amazed and shocked!
NYACKers!!! Special people in my life.
Shane & Shane!
Precious people that I got to see again!
The DHAY youth ladies and I.
The registration team, it was a blessing to get to know these hardworking ladies. They are so sweet!
Oh boy, Vincent got hurt on the first day of Hlub, but thankfully it was not anything too crucial. Nonetheless, I was so happy that the four of us were there together. We all had our own roles with the conference, Elvin and Vincent were attendees, Sam was a volunteer, and I was a Staff member. God has been so good to my family and I’m so thankful that He chose to use us to serve Him.
At the airport for FOREVER! Our flight kept getting delayed because of the weather so instead of landing in CO around 9pm on Saturday night we landed at 4am on Sunday morning!
Of course, the first thing we did after we finally woke up was grab lunch!
Hlub great and I’m excited to hear how God has touched the lives of all who were there!
This year at Hlub 2016 there were almost 2,000 people which included attendees, chaperones, volunteers, and staff, but there was one little girl who was not able to make it. This young girl was Delilah Lor; she was a 12 year old girl who was extremely excited to come to Hlub that she even packed her bags two weeks in advance. The night before her youth group was going to road trip down to Chicago she encountered some health complications and was soon declared brain dead. Sadly, on Sunday, July 17th at 5:15pm she took her last breath. Many of us began Hlub with heavy hearts for Delilah, her twin sister, her family, and friends, but thankfully God is still good.
Even though many of us didn’t know Delilah we cried for her and wished so badly that she could be here with us all. Still, God’s will is better than ours and she is with Him now. I thank God for giving the Menomonie youth group the strength to still come to Hlub, but now that it is over and they are home they still have to face the reality of Delilah’s passing. Whoever stumbles across this post, I hope that you would send prayers to Delilah’s family and friends. I’m positive that it would be much needed right now.
Delilah may have just been a 12 year old girl to people who heard the news, but to me her story plays a greater role. I believe that God used Delilah to help remind us of how short life can be and how we need to share the Gospel and love to those around us. The loss of Delilah also truly showcased how God’s supremacy reigns true and in every situation He is still God. Delilah’s life was precious and I’m sure she was a blessing to all who knew her.
God, please comfort and give peace to her family and friends right now. I pray that they would cling to you as you reveal your purpose for this and that they would know your joy even in this devastating situation. Amen.
When I think about it, 22 years came by so fast. I still feel like I am 18, but when I see myself in pictures I am not the 18 year old girl who was fresh out of high school anymore. There were so many life lessons that were learned and so many things I discovered about myself, I’m excited to know that there are still many more things to experience and discover. God willing, I look forward to what is to come.
Honestly, I also imagined my 22 year old self to be different. I thought I would be done with college, dating, a lot more confident, and possibly even overseas. I certainly feel so far from what I imagined and planned for myself, but there is a peace that I am exactly where God wants me. Even though I am not up to speed with the timeline of this world, I know that God’s timeline is so much better. I trust that there are great things waiting for me.
The top three things I am grateful for as I turn 22:
1. My family who showers me with unconditional love.
2. God’s persistent and consistent pursuit of my heart.
3. The simple fact that I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Next year, when i turn 23, I wonder how I am going to be or what I am going to be doing, but until then, I want to embrace 22. My birthday is also a reality check that I can’t be 21 forever ;) It’s time to keep moving on with my life.