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Weddings Galore

I can't believe I haven't blogged in 3, almost 4, months now!!! I thought I would have more time to blog during the summer, but this summer has actually been soooo crazy busy. I'm thankful that I have time right now to reflect on my summer adventures and process the season that I am currently in right now.

Speaking of busy, this wedding season was extremely busy (we're not even done yet), but it has been the sweetest thing to witness two people come together in unity. Each wedding was so unique and I've enjoyed listening to the vows, seeing the brides' dresses, and reuniting with friends and family. Weddings are truly a joyous celebration that bring people all together for such a God honoring reason and I just love it! It totally gave me flash backs to my special day as well. With all of that being said, I took sooo many pictures and I've been meaning to share them so here goes . . .

Aimee and Sam


Aimee's Bridal Shower

Aimee, my new little sister!

Loving Cynthia's fresh cut!

Loved this succulent bar!

Aimee had the best reactions to her gifts!


Wedding Day

My little brother is faithful to three things, God, Aimee, and WWE.

Of course we had to get Esmay pictures. She's gonna love seeing these pictures when she gets older.

My California aunties with grandma.

Welcome to the family Aimee!



Need more pictures with grandma!

So thankful to Tia and Yeng for hosting us!

Cynthia and Anthony


Cynthia's Bridal Shower

Her mom made the center piece, that was so sweet.

You can never go wrong with a breakfast bar!

The wedding party.

I love this picture and I'm so happy we're all this season together now.

Had to get a picture with out baby Alenie!!


Relaxing at Sand Harbor before the wedding day. Lake Tahoe is breath taking and freezing cold!

Our first time at In-and-Out. It wasn't bad, but over hyped. lol


Wedding Day!

Received such cute gifts!

This was me after the matron of honor speech and bawling my eyes out. 

Lucy and DavidYob


They had a stunning venue!

Such a good looking couple. Chu and I are so happy Yob found Lucy.

Loved catching up with Baoseng. So sad she left GA right before I moved there.

Rachel, she always has the cutest outfits!

Loved traveling and spending time with Tia and Yeng! They're seriously the best older siblings!

I went to KS for the first time and got to spend some time with Chu's family as well.

I moved to G E O R G I A!

During the summer, one of the biggest things that happened was that Chu and I moved to Georgia with my in-laws! I don't even know where to begin because there's so much to talk about. I think I held off on blogging about the move because it was such an emotional season, but nonetheless, it happened! Of course, it wasn't an easy choice because it meant we would be uprooting ourselves from what we were comfortable with. We loved (still love) Colorado, our friends and family there, and the ministry/community that we were apart of. There were many pros and cons to staying in CO or going to GA, but after much prayer and tough/honest conversations with each other, we had a lot more peace about going to GA.

The last month we had in CO went by so fast because we were busy packing, spending time with everyone, and traveling that it didn't even seem real. I was definitely just going through the motions. On our last Sunday, the Youth Council asked Chu and I to stay because they wanted to gift us with something. The minute Esther started talking I busted out in tears. I was not expecting to cry that much, but when I think back to it, it was the first time I actually cried about the move. Talk about not grieving. I was a mess the last couple of days. SO. MUCH. CRYING.

The hardest thing to do was say bye to my family. I didn't cry after I got married because I knew my family was still close. Now that my family wasn't going to be a 20 minute drive away, I felt the pain of saying good-bye. To be honest, I never returned the house key even after I got married because I still wanted to go home whenever I felt like it. Chu secretly returned it before we left, which I'm thankful for or else m o r e tears. We road tripped to GA and during the drive, I was a crazy mess. One minute I would be bawling my eyes out and then laughing, and then bawling, and then fine, and then bawling. It was sad, but it helped.

When we got to GA, these were the two frequently asked questions, but I found that our answers were simple and straight to the point.

1. Do you guys miss Colorado?

Yes! We miss Colorado, but mainly the people.

2. Do you guys like Georgia?

Yes! There's actually not much to dislike.

Before moving to GA, I thought I was going to struggle with the humidity, traffic, and bugs, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I over exaggerated those things in my head so when I got here it was better than what I set myself up for. There are moments when it can be bad, but I feel like I'm someone who can adapt pretty well. I have to say that I've also been very impressed with Chu. He's been adapting just fine as well.

I also have to say that I'm extremely grateful towards God because I have CO and Nyack family here in GA. So really, I have 3 homes in 1 place. Overall, Chu and I are happy to be here in GA and look forward to how God is going to push us out of our comfort zone and stretch us in this season. I love that through this transition, God is going to grow us in so many ways.

Prayer Request

  • Chu and I haven't found a church that we would like to be apart of yet. It's hard because each of the churches here are different from our home church. We know they're going to be different and no church is going to be perfect, but we also know that we want to be accessible and intentional with the church that we choose. We want to be able to stay there and hopefully raise our family there one day. Pray that we'll be able to decide on a new home church where we can continue to build relationships and further God's Kingdom at.
  • The good news, we both found jobs. The bad news, I haven't been able to start yet. I'm waiting for my background checks to come back before I can start and the process is taking longer than I thought. Please pray that I'll receive them soon so I can start working. We're thankful that Chu has a job, but it would be much more comforting if I could start soon.

My JOYce

Joyce, is seriously a joy!  She is lively, mature, thoughtful, and has such a deep desire to grow in her relationship with the Lord. She is a very special individual, who I know the Lord is going to mold and use for his glory in the years to come. I'm so glad that God put it in her heart to be mentored and that she asked me to be that person. It was such an honor and it really helped stretch me in a different way as well. It was my first time and there were weeks where it was difficult to meet up, but I'm thankful she was so patient and gracious towards me.

My prayer is that she would continue to desire the Lord in all seasons of her life. Praying that her joy is so rooted in Christ that she may be able to overcome trials just knowing who she is in Him. Even though I'm far now, I still wish to walk by her side to encourage and support her. I pray that God would give me the wisdom and love to do so.