Before I left for college my mom told my brothers and I to appreciate the time that we had together because the time that we got to live with each other would be short. What she said couldn’t have been more true because time just seems to keep moving faster. Even though I love Nyack and I enjoy being out here in New York, my heart does long for my family. There have been some hard times being away from home, especially when someone was sick or hurt, but I have learned to put my family in the hands of God. I learned to trust and depend on Him to take care of and provide for them. I miss my family, but being out in New York has also been a blessing from God. My family may be far, but He has blessed me with new friendships and people that love me like family too.
This summer was so busy and it seemed to go by so fast that I did not get to hangout with the family too much. It makes me sad reflecting on it, but I will look forward to the time when I can be with them again! They are always on my mind and I couldn’t be more thankful for the family that God gave me. I’m so proud of each and every single one of them. I love and miss them dearly.

The best parents ever! They work sooooo hard and they always treat me like a princess, even when I am so undeserving of it all. They always want the best for me and are my biggest supporters.

Early in the summer when we went to the movies together!

Sam and I both got internships at our mom’s work place this summer so we car pulled all summer. I really enjoyed those car rides with him and I miss him dearly. I know God is doing great things in and through him at TFC though.

It was such a blessing to go to HLUB with my brothers and to see the different stages of our lives.

On my birthday I begged Elvin to make a cover for me and he flat out said, "No". I was kind of sad, but the next day he surprised me and made a cover with one my favorite songs at the moment (Love Yourself by Justin Bieber). It was seriously the sweetest thing ever and I was so touched!

Took the little ones to eat Mc Donalds after church. I went to order food and told them to find a table, but when I came back they just found a table with three seats, does that make any sense, there were four of us lol! Love and miss these boys sooo much!

Kayden will forever be my baby!

Grandma is always the one who is most excited when I get back and is always the saddest when I leave. Love her so much!
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