Late post, but it’s never too late to share how beautiful these girls are. They are so special to me because I don’t have any blood sisters of my own. I have always deeply treasured my relationships with all my sisters-in-Christ because they allow me to experience sisterhood in a way I never thought I could. The girls that walk into my life don’t realize how much I appreciate them and their friendship, but each and every single one of them holds a special place in my heart.
A big thanks to the ladies who are like older sisters to me because they pour into me and watch out for me like their own little sister. Thanks to the younger girls who trust me and allows me to take care of them like a big sister would. Most importantly, I want to praise God for creating us and calling us to be in community because we get to grow and experience God’s goodness together and I wouldn’t have asked for sweeter and kinder souls to do life with.
Photo Credit to Cat

This picture was taken with Xee’s Iphone. I think it’s time to upgrade because the quality is life changing.

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