One of the greatest joys in life is being able to see my dear friends find the one they love and then get married! Deciding to tie the knot is such a beautiful thing and it definitely is a blessing from the Lord. On June 18, 2016 I had the privilege to witness and participate in a childhood friend’s wedding. Meet Bao, the lovely bride!
Bao is someone who has such a kind and genuine heart. Whenever I talk to her I feel as though I have her 110% attention. I think that is just one of the many ways she portrays her intentional heart towards people. Toudo, her husband, is just the perfect guy for Bao and compliments her so well. This couple has so much zeal for the Lord. Praying that their marriage will be filled with a joy so deeply rooted in God that it would prevail during the good and bad times.
Just a couple shots that we had at Bao’s surprise bachelorette getaway!
Bao looked so stunning on the big day!! Just a sneak peek of one of the wedding pictures!
Luckily, Bao was able to stay for a whole week after the wedding, but because she was now a wife and a nyab we hardly got to see her. Thankfully, we were able to squeeze in lunch for an hour and a half. After we said our good-byes, I got into Cynthia’s car and started bawling! I didn’t cry at the wedding so I guess it was time to finally let those babies fall. I was extremely sad because I knew that nothing would ever be the same again, but I was extremely happy because Bao was starting a new chapter in her life. It was such a bittersweet moment. Even though there was a flood of emotions, I’ll always remembers Bao’s beaming smile, she was so happy through everything. I pray that she’ll always keep that smile on her face.
Probably our last picture with Bao for a while.
On June 18, 2016, another one of my dear friends from college also got married! It was with such regret that I couldn’t make it. Meet Mx, the one-of-a-kind bride.
Mx, has been there from the beginning of my college years and I even got to room with her for two years. There are no words that can express how much I love, care, and appreciate this girl. She was with me during some of my toughest and greatest times. She has seen me cry, given me hugs, and made me laugh till I cried as well. She is so compassionate, selfless, and has such a servant heart. Chuchi, her husband, takes such good care of her and I trust that he will continue to take care of her until the end. Even though I couldn’t make it to her wedding, I’m blessed that she’ll be up at Nyack again with me next year. I want to treasure all of the time I have with her before we’re off doing our own things after Nyack.
This is Mai and I with Mx on the day she got engaged!! We were so thrilled for her and Chuchi!
Since I didn’t get to go to the wedding, Mx gave me a little sneak peek at some of her wedding pictures. Gosh, she was such a gorgeous and breathtaking bride. I can only imagine how much more beautiful she was in person.
Praying that God would bless their marriage and remind them of the richest of loves and blessings when times are tough.
These two ladies are so special, no wonder they both married pastors. It makes me so happy to know that these ladies will be serving alongside their husbands in ministries that God has set aside for them.
Main Idea: Lace our words with grace and speak with discernment.
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24