God says that no one can take our joy from us, but in our lives we can sometimes lose sight of it, especially when the enemy is hard at work and the enemy is ALWAYS hard at work. Joy is a choice and we often don’t choose it because sometimes we just don’t know what joy looks like anymore. In our circumstances and in the business of our lives we can forget how we look and feel when we’re experiencing true joy. I know that sometimes I can get carried away by all of the negative and difficult situations in my life that makes me forget about my gift of joy.
My pastor brought up this great idea of retraining ourselves to take spiritual selfies when we’re in the joy of the Lord. When we look back at our spiritual selfies and see the joy of the Lord in our lives, we definitely won’t want to be without joy anymore. Our spiritual selfies are reminders of all the good things the Lord has done in our lives and it gives us hope for all of the great things He’ll continue to do. Spiritual selfies will also remind us of what makes us passionate. Through my joy, I want to live passionately for God but I can’t do that if I live a life where I can’t even recognize when I’m joyful.
After reflecting, these are moments where I have experienced the joy of the Lord.
I have joy when I’m teaching and I just can’t wait to pour everything I can into my future students! The learning never stops!
I simply enjoy being in awe of God’s creation. Everywhere I look I see His beautiful creation, the world.
I LOVE to eat and I’m so thankful that I get to enjoy such yummy food! I’m even beginning to enjoy eating veggies and if you know me that’s a huge step because I thought I would never like veggies.
I simply enjoy being in awe of God’s creation. Everywhere I look I see His beautiful creation, the world.
Wow, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to have a lot to share, but now that my mind is going, there’s just too much to share. God really has been so good and faithful to me. I look forward to being more in the presence of His joy and taking more spiritual selfies as evidence!
Please, take time to reflect on some of your moments of joy too. I pray that your moments of joy are just as beautiful as mine and I hope that you can join me on this journey of taking spiritual selfies!